This Build is now fully fabricated and in primer. The engine bay and entire underside is finished and Painted.
All modifications to the body, panels, Group C Race components, engine and suspension are completed. The list of one off and modified parts, (in order for this vehicle to appear as close to how factory would be), is long and painstaking in execution.
I did not want this vehicle to look like a Hotrod or just another replica with a fibre glass body kit, so many hours have gone into each individual part modified or made, to ensure it is well designed, finished and fitted and compliments the overall look and performance of the build.
Adjustability was also a primary objective in order that the chassis and suspension can be “tuned” and the vehicle made to drive as well as a modern Holden or better.
Paint will start on 24th August, through to mid September so I am looking forward to the final stages of the build and loading up some pictures of the completed vehicle in a couple of months.
very nice car mate. love the detail.